About Me:
I am excited to be in my tenth year of teaching here in Mountain View! I started teaching kindergarten and then moved up to teaching third grade, and I've been in third grade ever since! I think that third grade really is the sweet spot in school, students are finding their independence, and are learning so many things that they will use as they enter the upper grades. We are going to have a fantastic school year! I truly love what I do, and really enjoy getting to teach my students each and every day. I received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wyoming, GO POKES! I also have my Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction/Educational Leadership. I also have an additional endorsement in reading and literacy from the University of Wyoming. My husband and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary this summer, and we have one child, Barrett. My son Barrett will be five soon, and I truly think becoming a mom and raising my son has helped me to become a better teacher. It gave me the perspective of parents and the love they have for their kids. I know how lucky I am to be entrusted with your children each and every day, and I promise I don't take that lightly. As soon as I have kids in my class I often refer to them as "my kids" and that's because I think of them that way, I am responsible for them while they are at school and I care deeply about that responsibility. I think that the 2020-2021 school year will be another great one!
I recognize that this year we will have some new challenges to tackle with Covid-19, but I assure you that I will work harder than ever to make sure that your child is in a safe learning environment. I want to get to stay in the classroom as a group, so we will work hard to make that a reality.
Here are some of the things we will be working on this year:
Science: Balanced and unbalanced forces, motion, gravity, weather, climate, life cycles, inherited traits, renewable and nonrenewable resources
Social Studies: Citizenship, community, rules and laws, rights and responsibilities, continents and oceans, map skills, North American geography, cultures, economics, agriculture
Reading: Comparing and contrasting, author's purpose, cause and effect, graphic sources, characters, setting, plot, theme, main idea and details, drawing conclusions, fact and opinion
Math: Place value, rounding to the nearest ten and nearest hundred, addition and subtraction with regrouping, basic multiplication, basic division, picture graphs, bar graphs, area, perimeter, attributes of two-dimensional shapes, and fractions.
Students will also spend time working on cursive, keyboarding, and coding throughout the school year.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Email: [email protected]
School Phone: 782-6202 ext. 5232
Cell Phone: 307-315-5796
Important Info About Planners
Please make sure that you are checking your child's planner every night!!! This is where we are putting any and all important information. Students are working in their planners everyday, they are a very important part of our daily routine. This will be how we communicate back and forth any important information. Students will be expected to have three boxes in their planner filled out each day, please initial each day when your child has shown your their filled out planner. Having their planner filled out will make them eligible to win some prizes throughout the school year.
NO HOMEWORK! We decided as a third grade team to not assign any homework.
Daily Schedule
8:10 School Begins
8:15-8:25 Read Aloud/desk work
8:25-9:15 Science/Social Studies
9:15-10:09 Specials
M-PE/Music T-Library
W-PE/Music TH-Art
F-Rotating schedule
10:10-10:15 Snack
10:15-12:00 Reading
12:00-12:15 Recess
12:25-12:50 Lunch
12:50-1:20 Writing
1:20-2:30 Math
2:30-2:45 Recess
2:45-3:09 Chromebook time (keyboarding, WYTOPP practice, or Coding)
3:08-3:13 Class Jobs/Get Organized
3:13 Students Dismissed